Claire Dwyer

Even the Sparrow

Author of This Present Paradise: A Spiritual Journey with St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
Creator of the “Let Yourself Be Loved” Retreat and Journal

Meet Claire

Mom | Wife | Interior Life

“Let Yourself Be Loved,” wrote St. Elizabeth of the Trinity to her spiritual mother shortly before she died.
More than anything else, this is the primary vocation of every woman: to be loved by God.

As a Catholic writer, speaker, retreat leader, and spiritual director, it is my great privilege to invite women
to discover their exquisitely unique design and unrepeatable story so they can better discern God’s purpose for their lives, become more fully themselves, and make a whole-hearted yes to all the right things.

“That you may discern what is best.” – Philippians 1:10

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Invite me to speak at your women’s conference or lead your retreat and I’ll offer inspiration and encouragement wrapped in story and designed to enlighten the minds and the enflame hearts of an audience, large or small, virtual or live.

My Book

In this tender yet powerful book, author Claire Dwyer takes you on a spiritual journey with this little-known but fast-ascending saint. This Present Paradise is available on Amazon and Sophia Press. 

Work with Me


I love helping Catholic women discover and embrace their stories and discern their personal vocations.
And if that includes sharing those stories and the messages God has placed on their hearts—well, I can help with that.

My Recent Blog Posts:

Order my Book

This Present Paradise: A Spiritual Journey with St. Elizabeth of the Trinity

In this tender yet powerful book, author Claire Dwyer takes you on a spiritual journey with this little-known but fast-ascending saint. She shows you how to overcome aridity in prayer and discover ways to bring peace to familial relationships. You will learn how to identify and fulfill the specific mission God has for you and how to draw courage and meaning from the inevitable sufferings you will face.