He Speaks into Our Silence

He Speaks into Our Silence

I ran into a friend recently, another mom with lots of littles, at an indoor trampoline park.  It was a sizzling summer day in Phoenix and we’d both reluctantly shelled out too much money for a few hours of much-needed activity for the kids. The place was loud....
Today, Little Boy, I Choose You

Today, Little Boy, I Choose You

Life is so very busy right now, dizzying in its demands.  The days rush by, a whirlwind of laundry, housework, paperwork, appointments, driving, cooking, cleaning, studying, working, parenting, praying.  Each day orchestrating this family of eight is its own little...
A Mom on Mount Carmel

A Mom on Mount Carmel

I took a fascinating online class on the nature of Mystical Theology in the Church this Spring. What precious time I could carve out from my busy life as a mom six, I spent delving into the works of St. John of the Cross and meeting a new friend, a little Carmelite...
What Little Boys Are Made Of

What Little Boys Are Made Of

My husband are I are raising six lively children; two-thirds of which are boys. (Come March, one will be a man…but let’s not think about that just yet.  Oy vey.)  And the boys are bookends of the bunch. Which means that for almost eighteen years now,...