by Claire Dwyer | Sep 5, 2015 | parenthood, Saints, The Sacred Everyday
“Nooooooo!” I couldn’t help but cry out as the three-year-old began to pour the container of salt – the giant Costco container of salt, moreover – all over the kitchen floor. He smiled gleefully despite my dismay, then scurried off as...
by Claire Dwyer | Jul 4, 2015 | Everyday Holiness, parenthood, scripture
A recent Friday morning found me at the funeral Mass for a friend’s mother, and I had to take the two youngest with me. We lasted only a few minutes in the main church. My three year old, his toddler voice echoing during the quiet and solemn service, sent us...
by Claire Dwyer | Jun 7, 2015 | Eucharist, parenthood, scripture
This spring saw our backyard filled with new life: families of quail scurrying across the grass, baby doves peeking out from the eaves of our patio, and a special surprise: a little killdeer mother, nesting on the ground in a shallow depression in the gravel out near...
by Claire Dwyer | May 8, 2015 | Everyday Holiness, parenthood, Saints, Uncategorized
Edited to note that Archbishop Oscar Romero was canonized, along with Pope Paul VI (pictured with him above) in Rome in October 2018. In January this year, I sat in my kitchen early one morning, bleary-eyed after a fractured night’s sleep. (And I’m using...