“Used this book for Catholic adoration reading and was so good that I used it for a bookclub.” – PPM.
“My Bible study group read This Present Paradise and met weekly to discuss it. We learned so much about St. Elizabeth of the Trinity. The book is a great balance between being relevant to today’s life and also learning about what makes this sweet Saint so special. There are questions in the back of each chapter that we used to facilitate discussions but there were so many parts that we highlighted for their wisdom and insight that sometimes we didn’t always have time to get to the questions! Worth reading and more fun with a group!” – Lara P.
“Just getting started reading this book and though I should take my time, it is hard to put down. I love real, practical advice for finding God in the everyday. We often forget that He is in the small, often mundane things and while we are called to be great saints, it is done by living in the moment and being aware of The Lord’s presence at every moment in our lives and in the small things we do every day.” – MLMDM

“I LOVE St Elizabeth of the Trinity. I started with a book she wrote and it was over my head. It was like reading St Theresa of Avila. This book brought this amazing Saint to me in a perfect way. We went back and did a book study with my Bible group and everyone LOVED the book. It is a must read” – PB.
“Beautiful & very relatable! Definitely has drawn me closer to St. Elizabeth of the Trinity! I also just purchased her writings & can’t wait to grow in relationship with this beautiful Saint!” – AC